Natural alignment of the spine and control of the deep core 'stabiliser' muscles of the trunk are a vital foundation for good physical development.
- A strong, flexible, naturally aligned spine provides the structure for the skeleton to maintain good posture, and to move easily and efficiently.
- Deep muscles of the core work to maintain stability during large motor movements and whilst sitting in a chair performing small motor movements of the hands (such as using knife and fork, pencils, scissors).
- Muscles of the deep core are involved in breathing and toilet training.
A weak core delays both the acquisition of gross and fine motor skills and will impact on areas such as sitting still, concentration and listening, handwriting and stable vision for reading.
Natural alignment of the spine and the development of deep stabilising muscles begins very early on in the first year when the baby engages in lots of wriggling and squirming and continues throughout the first year with 'tummy time'.
Going through the normal developmental movement patterns of rolling, belly crawling and creeping on all fours will ensure that, by the time a baby stands up, they will have a naturally aligned spine, a strong trunk and good posture. They can then move onto more complex and refined movements of the arms and legs.