Beginning to gain independence to explore their environment and choose their own activities.
Beginning to gain independence to explore their environment and choose their own activities.
Walking and running
Progressing through standing unaided to more natural and fluid movements, allowing more energetic play.
From learning to push feet down into the ground, to jumping with increasing height and distance.
Balance is essential for sitting, crawling, and standing. Good balance depends on strong back and tummy muscles, so activities to strengthen them are crucial.
Using increased balance and coordination to complete daily activities, such as climbing stairs, to the challenge of climbing for fun.
Using improved hand-eye coordination to go from releasing objects to propelling objects further and with increased accuracy.
Catching is a core skill that begins with basic hand-eye coordination and ultimately leads to children being able to receive fast moving objects from a distance.
Kicking and batting
Visually tracking objects and coordinating movement responses with feet (kicking) or a handheld object (batting) with increasing accuracy.
Using wheeled toys
Using growing balance and spatial awareness to safely travel around their environment with balance bikes, scooters, and other push-pull toys.
Fine motor skills
Utilising gross-motor stability, strengthening the smaller muscles of the hands to perform tasks such as drawing, writing, fastening clothes, etc.