Controlling wheeled toys such as pull-along toys, balance bikes and scooters requires body and spatial awareness in order to navigate through a sensory rich environment with a variety of levels and obstacles. Keep reading to find out the skills necessary for controlling wheeled toys, how they emerge, and the games you could play to encourage skill development.
Building blocks for using wheeled toys
Developing the spatial and body awareness to start to move through a sensory rich environment
Simple skills for using wheeled toys
Using the whole body to move through different levels and in different directions.
Advanced skills for using wheeled toys
Showing good control of steering wheeled toys through space - both pushing and pulling
Propel a ride on toy with no pedals, using feet on the floor
Use pedals to control a tricycle
Show improving control of steering wheeled toys such as wheel barrows and toy pushchairs, turning and reversing well.
See what activities can help to support this core skill.